Thursday, December 10, 2009

40 Reopens: City Safe Once Again

Playing in the road!

So, why did St. Louisans make such a big deal about the completion of the construction on 40/64? I have a theory. Everyone that was out there was a city resident, and we were celebrating the fact that county denizens would no long have to hurtle down side streets to avoid imagined car jackings.

For the past year I have not been able to exit my neighborhood without great difficulty during rush hour. The additional time spent in my car probably totalled at least 30 minutes a week. This time would increase exponentially whenever there was an accident at Skinker and Forest Park caused by a commuter who could not possibly sit through another iteration of the traffic light.

In addition to the ending of traffic woes I am pleased that the homeless will no longer consider this intersection to be their personal ATM. It became a viable economic option to stand at this intersection with a cardboard sign detailing ones misfortunes. White-flight guilt would force drivers to lower their windows and hand over any change that they could find in the crevices of their Explorers.

So I will celebrate the opening of the highway so that the thousands of countians that wreaked havoc on my neighborhood and now zip by at 60 miles per hour picking their nose and listening to Sean Hannity.

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